(c) Copyright 2001-2013 David j Dilworth
007-License to Kill
“Risk Assessment” is Fraud. It is actually a highly disguised political choice to commit deadly harm.
It actually answers the perverse question “How can I get away with all the environmental and human damage my project will cause?” – though it is never stated so clearly.
Those wanting to do big projects that cause real harm have to disguise it because public opinion strongly opposes serious harms to people and our environment.
A method that superficially appears scientifically credible is called “Risk Assessment.” This thousand word article will show you why Risk Assessment is rarely credible and what to insist upon instead.
Imagine for a moment you are a developer, a resources extractor, a polluter or a government agency (DREG) that wants to do a project that causes a lot of harm to our environment or to people.
The first thing you do is hire a Biostitute (an academic or professional committing fraud for money) to write a report for you with the secret contract requirement or understanding that the report says all your project’s risks are “acceptable.” Since you are paying them, Biostitutes would have to be pretty dumb to give you a report that admitted your project would cause serious harm. Who would ever hire them in the future ?
So a Biostitute’s report always defends and justifies environmentally harmful activities by overflowing with meaningless pseudo-scientific bureaucratic doublespeak and jargon ornamented with often irrelevant meaningless mathematics all wrapped up in a laundry list of logical fallacies.
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