An-aesthetic – A person with no aesthetic appreciation

Wildflower Avalanche, Big Sur by David Dilworth

Wildflower Avalanche, Big Sur by David Dilworth

Have you ever met a guy who just couldn’t care a fig about a richly colored sunset, a Beatles tune, a fragrant flower, a massage or even ice cream ?

A lot of them are elected to official political positions and always vote against, and sometimes harangue against protecting a place because of its beauty or other aesthetic values like silence.

Others are just ordinary people who simply don’t get excited about those sorts of things.

Well, for a few years I’ve been searching for a term to describe such folks without an aesthetic sensibility. I tried out lots of awkward words without any success such as “Dis-thetic,” anti-aesthetic etc.

Then yesterday I realized the word already exists: It is “Anesthetic.”

The familiar use of “anesthetic” is related to drugs in a medical setting.

However, the word’s root is from the Greek “anaisthetos” meaning “insensible.”

Which is exactly the idea I was trying to capture.

However, I can’t find it defined as such in my several dictionaries. So this may be the first instance —

Anaesthetic. Noun, a person with no aesthetic appreciation.

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