Bill Kampe’s Fast Food Gets Bad Reviews in Pacific Grove

Ronald McDonald Quits

Ronald McDonald Quits

Attempted Murder of a Good Law: Two people tried to kill Pacific Grove’s law banning Fast Food. Councilman (and Carpetbagger) Bill Kampe1 along with Commerce Chamber head Moe “Strip Mall” Ammar wielded the weapons of mass deception.

Councilman Bill "Fast-Food" Kampe

Councilman Bill "Fast-Food" Kampe

Kampe put it on the Council Agenda arguing the City should welcome Fast Foods and “streamline the ordinance2.
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Skeptical of Foreigners

Apparently skepticism of foreigners is a long tradition; an ongoing theme in California.

Immigration has always been a problem in the United States. <br>Ask any Native American (Credit: Souix Nation)

Immigration has always been a problem in the United States.
Ask any Native American (Credit: Souix Nation)




“What are we to do then? Shall we remain supine, while these daring strangers are overrunning our fertile plains, and gradually outnumbering and displacing us?

“Shall these incursions go on unchecked, until we shall become strangers in our own land?”


Q: Who said that ?

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All the Kings Horses and all the Kings Men . . .

Here’s an example of how a lone voice can halt big mistakes.

“It wasn’t a bad catch,” said George Haines, state unit fire chief in Monterey and San Benito counties.

When I spoke out on this issue, all the Fire “experts” and lawyers said I was wrong. They said that the County’s best fire experts had met many times over the course of a year – and that there was no problem.

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For Consumers: The Best Monterey Peninsula Businesses (and the Worst)

The Best (and worst) Monterey Peninsula Businesses

A business only gets on this list if —

1. I have had direct personal experience with them, and
2. They have provided exceptional service, reliably – with no bad experiences.

These local businesses prove that there are solid reasons for buying some services and products locally and not over the internet / web. It is notable that several of these excellent businesses are large corporations – both privately and publicly owned.
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Its in his Arrgh

Pirate's Arrgh

Pirate’s Arrgh

I lived in Europe for a while teaching several subjects including English and French. In my experience listening to people with languages from different cultures – the “R” is the most difficult sound to get right – in many languages.

Scots roll a long “Arrrr” almost like a pirate. The French pronounce it more like whispering “air”, while Asians often mysteriously switch “R” and “L” sounds.
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Museum of Invisible Art – Really.

I couldn’t make this up.

Emperors New Clothes

Emperors New Clothes

There’s a museum that wants to sell collectors and art appreciators – Invisible Art . . . for real money.

Not kidding.

Museum for NonVisible Art

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The Four Legs of Democracy (How to Measure Democracy)


The Four Legs of Democracy
(Measuring Democracy)

(c) Copyright 1996-2018 David DilworthOur Planet has no genuine governmental Democracy as of 2018.

Some places, such as California, come close but we still await – the real thing. Many “leaders” want you to believe that the only criteria necessary for a democracy is allowing people to vote.

As you will see here, voting is not the only thing necessary for democracy, as you may be aware, voting can be totally nullified or corrupted.

Political Gap” Means Democracy is Lacking

Democracy is defined as “the Consent of the Governed.” It means shared power or shared governance. It can not reasonably be called consent when the most important political decisions made by government officials vary grossly from the will of most voters, from protection of the politically weak, and from the public good.

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Is California’s Utilities Commission President Michael Peevey PG&E’s Lapdog?

Public Utilities Commission President Michael Peevey

Public Utilities Commission President Michael Peevey
Former CEO of a Utility-Southern California Edison

“Never believe anything in politics until it has been officially denied.” – Otto Van Bismark

Well, today California Public Utilities Commission President Michael Peevey officially denied being a lapdog to PG$E — “the $38 million fine should put to rest criticism that the agency is a ‘lapdog’ of PG$E.”

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In PG, Golf play stops at Sunset time – so must restaurant operations

Golf play stops at Sunset time – so must restaurant operations.

The Herald published an unsigned, misinformed and misleading editorial advocating for expansion of the Golf Club restaurant to the non-golf customers – after sunset hours. I wrote a response online, but their systems screwed up the formatting so it was barely readable. Here is what I wrote in a readable fashion (with minor improvements).

“the clubhouse [that residents] opposed for so long” = misleading.

The Herald editorial makes it sound like the Clubhouse is a new concept and that it was always opposed.

Both wrong.

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Pacific Grove Intends to Violate Law “But only Temporarily”

This Wednesday the PG Council has an agenda item to approve extending business hours at the hotly contested Golf Course Grill into the evening to accommodate non-golfers.

Because of the traffic and noise impacts to the neighborhood the Council is required to complete CEQA analysis before approving any such operation. In addition, because the land is zoned as Open Space any use that is not golf course or recreation related is prohibited by city law.

Pacific Grove City Mangler Tom Frutchey

Pacific Grove City Manager Tom Frutchey

However, even though the City attorney has explained this, city staff and a few Councilmembers don’t want to wait.

According to the Herald — “Several issues requiring review under the state Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) must be dealt with, he said, and a draft report under the act requires 30 days for the public to comment on it.”

So staff has prepared a way to approve what they want and effectively evade the law.
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Joe Fitzpatrick: A fun, respectable classy news guy

Joe Fitzpatrick - Great Guy

Joe Fitzpatrick - Great Guy

Jospeh Michael Fitzpatrick
December 17, 1923 ~ May 29, 2010

CARMEL VALLEY, CA – Joe Fitzpatrick, witty newsman best remembered for his “My Bag” column in the Monterey Herald, passed away “with a smile” Saturday, May 29, 2010. He died of sudden heart failure at the age of 86 while being prepared to return home after a brief stay in Community Hospital.

His care giver, Yvonne Jacobs, said that “he just smiled, laid back on his pillow and died” after she had shown Joe a picture of his dogs, Hussy and Higgins, on her i-phone and told him they were going home to see them. Joe had been incapacitated and in ill health for the past four years. But he retained his spirit – and a sense of humor – throughout.
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SmartMeters Facilitate Cyber War Against US

SmartMeters Facilitate Cyber War Against US
(c) Copyright 2011 David j Dilworth

This didn’t happen — yet.

New York Power Blackout 2003

New York Power Blackout 2003 (simulation)

“Within a quarter of an hour, 157 major metropolitan areas have been thrown into knots by a nationwide power blackout hitting during rush hour. . .

“Subways have crashed in New York, Oakland, Washington, and Los Angeles. . . . Aircraft are literally falling out of the sky as a result of midair collisions across the country. . . . Several thousand Americans have already died.”

Richard Clarke-Security Advisory to Presidents Obama & Bush

This is an excerpt from “Cyber War” by Richard Clarke, former National Security Advisor to Presidents Obama and Bush. Its an “edgy account of America’s vulnerability to hackers, both state-sponsored and individual, especially from China.” – Seymour Hersch, Online Threat, New Yorker, Nov 2010

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Got Toxic Meat ? Its Legal to Sell !

It’s not illegal to sell raw meat that tests positive for salmonella, campylobacter or listeria.

Raw Meat Threat

Raw Meat Threat

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KBOQ Replacement – WCPE (on WiFi Radio)

Many of my friends are upset that KBOQ changed away from the classical music it has played since 1983.

Here’s a quick and clean alternative.

1. Click here to get WCPE radio station on the Internet (Its in North Carolina).

WiFi Radio

WiFi Radio

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Hyper-Certainty Principle

Hyper-Certainty Principle:

“Data quality and quantity is inversely related to advocacy certainty and ferocity.”
-David Dilworth, 2008

Thus the less and worse data available – the more certain the advocacy. This is dramatically apparent where zero data, such as opinions (or dare I say – religion), inspires huge certainty and advocacy; far more passion than facts.

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Occupy Solutions: How to Stop Legalized Bribery in Congress

Occupy Solution: How to Stop Legalized Bribery in Congress
(c) Copyright 2011 David Dilworth

Campaign Bribery

Campaign Bribery

While the “Robin Hood Tax” is a good short term idea and rallying cry, and “Ending Corporate Personhood” is an even more powerful idea, if we really want to eliminate the “Political Gap,” and Restore Democracy we need powerful, substantial changes – now !

We need a law severing money from political decisions; which can be adopted easily and quickly.

This is far more powerful than “Campaign Finance Reform” and “Public Election Financing” which were gutted by two recent Supreme Court decisions (Citizens United and McComish v. Bennett)

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How City Bankruptcy Benefits Pacific Grove Residents

How City Bankruptcy Benefits Pacific Grove Residents
by John M. Moore for Pacific Grove Taxpayers Association

How could Pacific Grove’s Pension payout improve if City files for Chapter 9 Municipal Bankruptcy ?

What follows is my analysis and opinion of the payout the City should request in its proposed Chapter 9 Plan (Municipal Bankruptcy under Federal law), for both current Pacific Grove retirees and for those who have worked for Pacific Grove and are not yet retired.

100 Million Needed

Pacific Grove’s Pension plan is supposed to have about 100 million dollars in it.

Only 42 Million Available

Based on the Calpers 2010 estimate, I believe the City’ Pension plan has a current deficit of about 40 million dollars.

In addition the City owes about $18 million in principal for the 2006 pension bonds, for a total deficit of $58 million, leaving a net of 42 million dollars to pay for 100 million dollars of pension promises.
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Protected: Why Does the Herald (Royal Calkins) Fondle Dave Potter?

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Pacific Grove Museum of Natural History — Who is in Charge?

Even for those who are familiar with the beloved Pacific Grove Museum of Natural History, it is easy to be confused by the large and newly expanded array of government bodies, private groups and individuals.

Here is an attempt to list who has authority over, and is controlling, our Museum:

Pacific Grove Voters Primary Responsibility

Pacific Grove City Council

Abdicated almost all control to the brand new, penniless, (and misleadingly named) non-profit “Pacific Grove Museum Foundation” with a 15 year contract, that the Council quickly extended to 30 years and giving the group $180,000 every year.
Public Management Meetings: Almost every 1rst and 3rd Wednesday
Public Records: Yes.
Website: yes.

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Is the “Nobel” in Economics Really a “Nobel Prize?” – How Astrology Can Obtain that Elusive Credibility.

Alfred Nobel’s will only included funding and direction for genuine sciences and for making a better world.

Mr Nobel’s will specifically directed 5 prizes for: Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature, and Peace. Consistent with that wish there was no prize for Economics (or Astrology for that matter).

But Money Always Creeps In

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