Grace Darcy Memorial June 11 at Hidden Valley

Grace Darcy

Grace Darcy

The extraordinary, inspiring, dear, encouraging and inimitable Grace Darcy died this past weekend after a huge and successful life.

Always kind, caring, thoughtful and humble; she brought her name to life with those people, animals and places whose lives she touched. Born in New York, she moved here in 1972 and lived independently in a beautiful, remote Carmel Valley canyon up a steep tire-chomping dirt road until the age of 87 – a year ago.

Carmel Valley Women's Network

Carmel Valley Women's Network: Grace is front row, 2nd from right (Red blouse)

Grace founded the fabulous Carmel Valley Women’s Network and fearlessly edited and published their “take no prisoners” Carmel Valley Uproar (Issue 1 was in September 2002, headlined “Save Rippling River”).
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Finally-The First Official Recognition that Cell-Phones Could Cause Malignant Brain Cancer

Landmark News !

This morning a panel of the World Health Organization (WHO), the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), changed their position declaring now that Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields (of cell-phones and by association WiFi, cordless phones and Smartmeters) can possibly cause a malignant type of Brain Cancer. The formal classification is “2B.”

CNN article

The New York Times reports –

Louis Slesin, editor of Microwave News, a newsletter that focuses on nonionizing radiation, said in an e-mail that the fact that the W.H.O.’s cancer panel had expressed concern had the potential to change the debate about the health risks of cellphones. “It’s a wake-up call for the telecom industry and for the U.S. government to take cellphone radiation seriously,” he said. “The first step should be limiting the use of cellphones by children.”

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Full Nuclear Meltdowns of 3 Reactors at Fukushima Confirmed !

Update ! – Japan admits three nuclear reactors (numbers 1, 2 and 3) reached Full meltdown !

While most major news media have ignored it, (particularly television) this website and others have been tracking evidence that there was a nuclear reactor meltdown at Fukushima. Saturday May 14th Japanese officials confirmed, and World Nuclear News reported, that Unit 1 at Fukushima’s Daiichi Plant did experience a nuclear meltdown – probably on the same day the earthquake struck.

The oddest thing about this news is that while a nuclear meltdown (which is an extremely serious landmark) was predicted by independent experts and denied by the industry – almost no major US media have reported it, or if they mentioned it – they buried it or obscured in their articles. There is not a single headline announcing that the nuclear meltdown occurred.
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Scrooge Lives – Carmel Pine Cone’s Paul Miller

While almost everyone else celebrated Earth Day on April 22, — who wrote a bitter editorial condemning one of the best environmental protection laws?

(Even BP (Gulf Oil Spill), Chevron and Monsanto tried to pretend they care about our environment with their deceptive ads aimed at elected officials.)
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Fukoshima Blue Flashes and Neutron Beams = Criticality Accident (Fission)

There are three alarming things observed at Fukoshima, that aren’t getting much US media attention: Blue Flashes, 13 separate Neutron emission detections and radioactive Chlorine.

Radioactive Warning

Radioactive Warning

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Your Constitutional Right to Loiter

Ever seen a sign saying “Loitering Forbidden by Law?”

No-Loitering Sign - Violates Our Rights

No-Loitering Sign - Violates Our Rights

Intimidating right?

Well that’s the intent. Property owners and police prefer that you don’t hang around.

You might be surprised to learn you have a Constitutional Right to Loiter that those property owners hope you don’t understand.
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Are Wired Telephones Going Extinct Soon?

Here’s an article explaining how ATT wants the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to set a timeline to halt use of wired phones.
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Japan’s Radioactive Fallout Long Term

It appears the radioactive fallout from the multiple nuclear plant failures will continue leaking for months.

Radioactive Warning

Radioactive Warning

Japan nuclear plant could continue to release dangerous radiation for several months

Another article gives a good overview and map of the leaks.

It also seems that the media are fed up with the Japanese government and the Electric Company officials who insist upon “saving” the truth for later.

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Best Bicycle Product Ever? – Dual Pad Seats by Hobson

Bicycles are a fabulous invention; one of the best ever. Right up there with fire and the USB connector.

Easy Seat II

Best Bike Seat Ever

Transportation made easy, fast and cheap. Plus you stay in healthy shape without realizing that you are exercising.

But (no pun intended) what is the huge drawback to bicycles? If you’ve ever taken a long ride – say over an hour or so – what is your biggest complaint?

Right – the seats are awful. Some would say excruciating. They seem almost intentionally painful. They put all your weight on your crotch – on a piece of stretched leather (if you are clever you added a gel-covered seat). And if either foot ever slips off a pedal – what is the result ? the “seat’s nose” (or the top tube) slams into one of your most favorite sensitive places. Aughhh !

(There’s a rumor that Cheney and Rumsfield ordered GiTMO detainees to ride 10-speed bikes 3 hours a day just so they would have to endure bike seats.)

OK I’m kidding, however, The New York Times caught my attention with an article “Serious Riders, Your Bicycle Seat May Affect Your Love Life by Sandra Blakeslee“.
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Understanding Radioactivity Harm Thresholds (in plain English)

Do you understand the nuclear radioactivity levels resulting from the Japanese nuclear plant crisis?

Radioactive Warning

Radioactive Warning

Can you figure out how much radioactivity is dangerous?

This article explains the three major ways radioactivity is measured, to help you compare the numbers reported by the media – so you can make up your own mind whether the amount of radioactive material leakage is dangerous.
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Radioactivity Explained – Harm Thresholds (in plain English)

Curies, Becquerels, Grays, Sieverts, rad, rem, roentgen . . .

Radiation Chart

Radiation Chart
Click twice to see chart full-size

Can you explain the meaning of nuclear radiation levels from the Japanese nuclear meltdown crisis?

Can you figure out how much radioactivity is dangerous?

This article explains the three major ways radioactivity is measured, and helps you compare the amounts of radioactivity reported – so you can make up your own mind whether the amount of radioactive material leakage is dangerous.

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Not Facebook – Instead try, “One Social Web” or Diaspora

US President Obama warned high-school students in Virginia September 2009 —

“Be careful about what you post on Facebook, because in the YouTube age whateaver you do will be pulled up later somewhere in your life.”

Not Facebook

Not Facebook

They trust me [with their personal information]. Dumb f**ks.” – Facebook President Mark Zuckerberg, 2004 1

Leave Facebook if you don’t want to be spied upon” warns the European Union in March 2015

I do have a Facebook account . . . but I do NOT and will NOT use Facebook for communication – or anything else.

Please *** NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, respond to a request from my Facebook account. (If you get a request or any communication from my Facebook account – it is clearly a scammer. Do not reply. Call me instead.)

This may seem a startling announcement from someone who has been at the leading edge of computer and information technology for decades.

I’m hardly alone.

Here’s a seriously cautionary article by Wired UK’s Editor David Rowan “Six Reasons Why I’m Not On Facebook.

I truly understand the benefits of web based Social Networks, and if you read to the end of this article I will let you know when I have found a system I can trust to genuinely protect you and me both.

I particularly want Elected officials and government employees to understand how much private information they are exposing by using Facebook, so they can adopt laws and regulations protecting our privacy.

(And NO, I do not “friend” anyone on Facebook for the reasons you will soon see . . .)

Here are the:

Top 10 Reasons I Refuse To Use Facebook

(Warning: If you viscerally “love” Facebook – you should stop reading right here) . . .

Update June 2012: Facebook switches off your email and forces you to use their own rusty email addresses. Oops they forgot to ask your permission first – for the 7th time.

Update Janaury 2017: How FacePlant (and Twitter) can destroy your reputation in 24 with a mistaken identity !

Outline – (Examples and links below this short list)

1. Facebook Constantly Lies to You.
2. Facebook Helps Burglars get your stuff !
3. Facebook Helps Stalkers Find You or your Children  !

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Radiation or Radioactivity ?

Mainstream news stories almost always confuse the terms “Radiation” (photons) and “Radioactive” (materials), which are significantly different things.

Radiation Harm Chart



    only affects things locally, very locally. While

Radioactive material

    can spread in the air and water and emit ionizing radiation all the way around the world.

Here are two examples of correct and wrong usage:

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“Sustainable” Pacific Grove vs Our Environment ?

Recently a group of people, most new to our community, started several local groups often including the term “Sustainable” in their name; e.g. Sustainable Pacific Grove. Their main activities seem to concern energy and trash reduction, and shopping / buying local and “green” goods.

They were successful in getting several local mayors to sign a “Mayors Climate Protection Agreement” and getting several local cities to sign onto the “Urban Environmental Accords.”

However, as they admit – neither document has any force of law. Laudable, but not really meaningful in the hard-ball arena of local politics. I wonder whether anything in politics has changed as a result of those agreements.

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Japan’s Radioactive Fallout Approaching Chernobyl’s

Up until yesterday, the radiation from the failed Japanese Nuclear power plants at Fukushima was described as far less than Chernobyl released.

Experts typically opined by describing the danger along the lines of : “I don’t know how bad the Japanese nuke situation will get, but it won’t be a Chernobyl.”

Now just a few days later researchers report that the fallout is getting uncomfortably high: “Fukushima radioactive fallout nears Chernobyl levels.”
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Bogus Logic Used to Justify Lazy Reporting

Newspaper writers and editors often defend incompetent reporting with scrofulous logic — “Both sides were angry so it must have been a good article.”

Publishing gibberish would also anger both sides of any controversial issue; and that takes no effort at all; a reporter wouldn’t even need to show up at the meeting and fall asleep.

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Doing Nothing Beats Doing Wrong

“Doing Nothing is Always Superior to Doing Something Wrong”

– David Dilworth, March 2011

You probably can NOT guess who is my favorite President since I’ve been of voting age, or why.

You’re right, “favorite” is way too strong. Lets just say the “least disappointing” President.

Its Gerald Ford, but the “Why” may be more interesting.

OK, Quick – what is Gerald Ford known for?

Pardoning Nixon. Yes, that was a giant mistake. It tells the world how American politics lets the powerful get away with murder, sometimes literally. It shows Nixon was disgustingly right when he said “When the President does it, that means it is not illegal.

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Obama Starts War with Libya – Peace Prize Should Be Revoked

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

US President Barak Obama started a War with Libya on Sunday March 19, 2011.

At first the President Obama fired 110 Tomahawk Cruise-missiles on Libya, then on Monday a US fighter jet crashed in Libya.

Libyan media reported that 48 people were killed; “mostly children” and three times that many were injured. Associated Press reports that during rescue of the downed fighter pilots, a US aircraft fired on and severely injured 6 Libyan civilians assisting the pilots.
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Part II: Herald’s Livernois – Censoring, Slander and Bullying?

Monterey Herald's Joe Livernois-Disgusted with Public Comments at Government Meetings

Monterey Herald’s Joe Livernois-Disgusted with Public Comments at Government Meetings

This is Part 2 of a report on HOPE’s first meeting with the Gary Omernick, President of The Herald, Monterey’s local daily newspaper.

A primary subject on our agenda is the Herald’s 7 year long Blackout; complete news and editorial blackout (censorship) of our Water Management District’s “Right-Sized” Water solution.

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How Many Deaths are Caused by Doctors and Hospitals?

Preventable American Deaths Yearly

435,000 Tobacco
365,000 Poor Diet and Physical Inactivity
Dr MalPractice - More Common than You Thought

Dr MalPractice - More Common than You Thought

100,000 – 200,000 Medical Error Deaths

Estimates range from 40,000 to 98,000 to 200,000

Iatrogenic” means Doctor caused Deaths

“A handful” = The number of doctors removed from the Medical field because they caused a patient death. (The actual numbers are unknown because the AMA seems to take great efforts to hide this information.)

Nocosomial” means Hospital Caused Deaths

“Never Events” are inexcusable outcomes in a health care setting (e.g. surgery on wrong body part)

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