A former UC (agricultural) Field Station manager wrote a commentary in the Herald about Methyl Iodide that contradicts all environmental science about the nerve gas. (Janet Fulton: Methyl iodide a casualty of junk science)
Sorry Ms. Fulton —
1. Methyl iodide is recognized by all government agencies as a highly toxic nerve gas.
2. Methyl iodide is listed as a Known Carcinogen under California Prop 65. It is extremely difficult to get a chemical on this list.
3. U.S. EPA lists it as a Hazardous Air Pollutant.
What part of that do you think is “junk science” Ms. Fulton?
She believes that any lawsuits claiming harm from a highly toxic nerve gas could only result in “imagined damages.” — Imagined damage.
Oooo K . . .
That must be why nerve gases (actually all poison gases) were banned from warfare – all those policy makers from the world’s most powerful countries only imagined there would be damage from nerve gases – not any actual physical harm . . . (other than some concern about the tens of thousands killed by Mustard Gas in WW1 and 3 million to 4 million killed with poison gas in Nazi WW2 prison camps)
Adding to her anti-science rant she weirdly claims that Methyl bromide somehow serves as “a nourishing fertilizer.”
A gaseous pesticide also acting as a fertilizer?
To put it diplomatically “that’s a new claim.” which exactly like the rest of her ramblings is wholly without scientific basis.
However, I’ll give her the benefit of doubt – Just send me a paper from a single experiment that Methyl bromide acts as a fertilizer – and I’ll revisit that claim.
Ms. Fulton’s rant is emblematic of the anti-environment, anti-science movement that are thinly disguised Green-wash shills for corporate avarice.
She blames her opponents for using junk science when they have the science right. Then she uses her own brand of argument that can accurately be called “junk science.”
Her hypocrisy is complete.