(c) Copyright 2013 David Dilworth
Three heart-wrenching tragedies in the past week showed three wildly different responses that are intensely revealing of our culture. (It would be inaccurate to described ours as a “civilization.”)
Boston Marathon Bomb
April 15, 2013Texas Fertilizer Explosion
April 17, 2013Deaths by Doctors & Hospitals
April 15, 2013
Killed 3 14 120-600
See references 1, 2 and 3)
News Coverage Massive, worldwide Widespread None.
Presidential acknowledgement of the deaths. Yes, Attended and Spoke at Memorial Service Yes "A tight-knit community has been shaken, and good, hard-working people have lost their lives," Silent. Zero acknowledgment.
Presidential Visit Yes No No
President On Those Responsible "Yes we will find you, and yes, you will face justice…" Silent about the West Fertilizer Co. plant Owners Silent about the Doctors and Hospitals
Let me point out some notable contrasts.
1. Admittedly this is only three data points (and the events are apples and oranges), yet notably more deaths means less attention from the media and the President.
Horribly, this supports Stalin’s quote, “One death is a tragedy; a million is a statistic.“
2. Those directly responsible and known are ignored, while the responsible and unknown are vilified.
Does a business license deflect the crime of manslaughter ?
1. Is US Health Really the Best in the World? (JAMA, Journal American Medical Association)
2. “Doctors Are The Third Leading Cause of Death in the US, Killing 225,000 People Every Year”
3. Medical Mistakes Kill 100,000 Americans A Year
4. Google news search — 123 million results for “Boston marathon” bomb
5. Google news search — 95 thousand results for “Texas Fertilizer Explosion” April 2013
6. Google news search — “No results found for “Death caused by Doctor” “April 15, 2013”